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Best Text Editor For Node Js

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  3. Best Text Editor For Node Js Plugin

This tutorial shows how you can create a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor with Javascript. Consider it as a mini version of the famous TinyMCE HTML editor.

Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. Completely customize it for any need with its modular architecture and expressive API. Quill is a free, open source rich text editor built for the modern web.


  1. The piece of software comes jam-packed with features supporting many web development languages, including but not limited to, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, and Node.js. A code can be debugged right from the editor. Launch or attach to your running apps and debug with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console.
  2. Notepad is an extremely popular text editor. That is in part because it's free and GPL-licensed open source. Even more than that, though, the reason it's one of the best text editors around is that it's simple. It doesn't try to be Atom or VS Code or Sublime Text. It's a code editor, plain and simple.
  3. NET BEANS:- Version 8.1 of the open source IDE, released late last week, offers a multitude of capabilities for the popular server-side JavaScript platform, including a new Node.js project wizard, an enhanced JavaScript editor, new support for running and debugging Node.js applications, and a redesigned interface.

Features in the editor :

  1. Supports making text bold or underline via 'Bold' and 'Underline' menu options.
  2. Unordered lists and images can be inserted via 'List' and 'Picture' menu options.
    (For simplicity, only this image will be inserted while adding an image)
  3. On selecting some text, it highlights the appropriate menu option. For example, clicking on a bold text will highlight the 'Bold' menu option. Similarly selecting some part of a list will highlight the 'List' menu opton.
    If there are multiple selections (via the Ctrl key), then only common commands will be highlighted. For example, selecting both a bold text (1) and bold text inside a list (2), will highlight only the 'Bold' menu option and not the 'List' menu option.
  4. While deciding the appropriate menu options to highlight, only those selections will be taken into account where start position and end position involve same type of element. For example a selection that involves starting from normal text and ends up in a bold text will not be considered while deciding the menu option to highlight (more on this later).

Using a contentEditable Element

The program download. A normal </span> element cannot be used for a HTML editor, because HTML cannot be rendered inside a textarea. So to allow the editor to accommodate HTML tags, we use the <span>contentEditable</span> attribute on a <span><div></span>.</p><p>Zeus big <a href=''>win</a>. <span>contentEditable</span> attribute indicates that the contents of the element can be edited.</p><p>Setting <span>spellcheck='false'</span> will disallow spelling check on the editor.</p><h4>Setting Various Edit Options</h4><p>The <span>document.execCommand</span> method can be used to execute various commands on a editable region. There are commands that to make text as bold, underline, change font size and family, add foreground or background color, insert links, HTML or images, and a lot more. Basically there are commands for most of the features that you can imagine for a HTML editor. There is also an 'Undo' command to undo the last executed command !</p><p>See the complete list of commands here.</p><p>Since this tutorial is focussed on providing only 4 edit options - 'Bold', 'Underline', 'List' & 'Picture', only these commands will be discussed here.</p><ul><li><strong>Bold</strong><p>This command will toggle bold for the selected text, or the insertion point. All browsers insert a <span><b></span> tag — excpet IE which inserts a <span><strong></span> tag.</p></li><li><strong>Underline</strong><p>This command will toggle underline for the selected text, or the insertion point. <span><u></span> tag is inserted here.</p></li><li><strong>List</strong><p>This command will create a bullet list selected text, or the insertion point. <span><ul></span> tag is inserted here.</p></li><li><strong>Picture</strong><p>This command will create an image at the insertion point. <span><img></span> tag is inserted here.</p></li><p>To insert an image, you need to give the url of the picture as the third parameter to <span>document.execCommand</span>.</p><p>In real-life cases (just like in professional HTML editors), the user will see a dialog to choose or upload an image first. Once an image is chosen, the command can be executed.</p></ul><p>All commands will be executed when an appropriate menu option is clicked.</p><h4>Highlighting Menus (1) - Selection and Range Objects</h4><p>The main challenge in creating the text editor is to highlight menu options when something is selected in the editor. For example when you click on a bold text, you would expect the 'Bold' menu to be highlighted (like in normal text editors). To understand how this would work, you need to know a bit about <strong>Selection</strong> and <strong>Range APIs</strong>.</p><ul><li><strong>Selection</strong><p>When the user selects some text (by dragging the mouse from an initial point to a final point) in the editor, you will need to know the underlying elements that the user has selected. A <span>Selection</span> object represents a range of text that is selected by the user. To know the selection in the current document, you can use the <span>window.getSelection()</span> method.</p></li><li><strong>Range</strong><p>The user is free to make multiple selections in the editor (by using the Control key). Each such selection represents a <span>Range</span> object.</p><p>Basically the <span>Selection</span> object contains an list of <span>Range</span> objects.</p></li></ul><h4>Highlighting Menus (2) - Start and End Containers of a Range</h4><p>One important thing is to note that the starting point and final point of a Range may be different DOM elements. For example, a user may select some text starting from normal text and end selection in a bold text. In this case the starting point lies inside a Text Node, and the final point lies inside a <span><b></span> (or <span><strong></span>) Element.</p><p>The <span>startContainer</span> and <span>endContainer</span> properties of a Range object gives the starting DOM element and final DOM element of the selected range.</p><p>In this tutorial, to keep things simple, we will ignore the range in which starting element and final elements are different. This means that in the below image the first selected range is considered while the second one is not considered in the decision as to which menu button is to be highlighted.</p>

Best Text Editor For Node Js

Highlighting Menus (3) - Finding Parent Tags of a Range

To highlight the appropriate menu option we will need to find all parent tags of the selected range, till the editor element.

Example 1 - This will highlight only the 'Bold' menu :

Example 2 - This will highlight both the 'Bold' and 'List' menu :

If there are multiple ranges then we find parent tags of all of them. The common tags from all of them will be the final set of highlighted menus.

Steps to Highlight a Menu

  1. Get the selection object
  2. Get all ranges in the selection
  3. For each range :
    Check whether start and end containers are the same
    If yes, then find all parent tags upto the editor container
  4. Now get the common parent tags for all range objects. Highlight those menus

Final Words

This tutorial gives an introduction how Javascript text editors work. Professional text editors, such as TinyMCE and CKEditor are much more complex, although they too are mostly based on Selection and Range APIs.

ContentEditable — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a interesting article written by a CKEditor lead developer on the challenges faced while creating a text editor.

Useful Resources

If you have decided to build your career in NodeJS development, we have gathered a list of nodeJS projects for beginners for all node enthusiasts to build highly scalable web applications.

These best nodeJS projects for beginners will help you gain knowledge about core node concepts, train your skill level, build a superb work portfolio, and get hired for your dream job.

When you start building your first projects, it's highly recommended for beginners in coding to create a repository for each of your projects so you will be able to learn git Android file transfer for windows 8 1 free download. and show your coding expertise to future employers.


NodeJS is a runtime environment that executes Javascript code out of the browser, and it's commonly used to create back-end. NodeJS is often used with additional frameworks like Express or Nest.js. that can be used in some cases and make the development process much easier and faster.

Knowledge about these frameworks will be greatly advantageous for your future projects. So start focusing on learning these as well- Shoot the duck games.

Wish to gain in-depth knowledge about NodeJS frameworks, do check out our top trending article TOP 10 NODEJS FRAMEWORKS FOR DEVELOPERS IN 2020 to gather more insights about NodeJS Frameworks.

Express.js – is one of the most popular NodeJS framework. Express.js is known as fast, flexible, and minimalistic. It's suitable for building web and mobile applications.

Nest.js – is another NodeJS framework that is great for developing progressive server-side applications, the code in Nest.js is written in Typescript.

Sequelize – it's a generator framework, that helps us to work with NodeJS and databases. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and some more. – it's a special type of framework, as it focuses on building real-time apps like chats.

Besides the Javascript knowledge to work with NodeJS, you need to understand how and why databases are used on backend, and how to build an API, no matter if you want to build REST or GraphQL.

Let's start with our top nodeJS projects for beginners list-

NodeJS Projects for Beginners

1. Portfolio App

For all you beginners in programming, creating a portfolio app as your initial nodejs projects for beginners will be an apt idea. Here, you can first concentrate on the outlook of the application which means how it looks and how are the sample projects working out. This app can reveal your personal sense of style as well.

There are multiple elements you can use to give a good experience to user, like presenting the application and the output with a good appearance.

The next thing you have to work on is the architecture of the whole project. It includes the code you are writing to make a light-weight and easy to use application. Also, you have to first define separate routes for each project.

Node.js has different set of controllers for each route to manage the views. If you have the same code for the header and footer then you don't have to repeat them which come as a benefit for the programmers.

2. Books Directory

This one is often considered as the most basic project you can create using Node.js and Express.js or Nest.js is a simple REST API. For this you can build a book directory, where you would need to create endpoints, using the 4 most basic methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

You'd use GET for getting all books or only 1 book by id. With the POST, you can add a new book to the list, and need PUT method for updating the existing book. It's evident that with the DELETE method, you can remove the book from the list.

For this kind of application, you don't have to use the database, and for the first app, you can start with data collected as a JSON file.

3. Chat App

Another basic nodejs projects for beginners Audio video maker download. , is a chat application, where the programmer gets a fair idea of working with real-time systems.

Firstly, you have to separate the application in 2 parts i.e.- the client part and the server part. With the help of web socket you and the client can directly share data at any time. This feature is often seen as a virtual handshake.

The process starts with the client sending regular HTTP request to the server. This particular application is very easy to code with the knowledge of web sockets and

You can enhance your application by –

  1. Keeping a record of all conversations.
  2. Online/offline labels.
  3. Take references from the features of whatsapp.
  4. A registration system for one on one chats.

If you'd like to check the previous project ideas, here is the link: TOP HTML PROJECTS FOR BEGINNERS

4. Video Streaming Platform

This nodejs projects for beginners project, is tremendously eye-catching and could easily help you get your dream job, if you learn all the basics right.

You have to take care of dividing the video content for the chunks to not send all to the frontend at once. Also, you would need to write some HTML5 to create a video player, and some Javascript on frontend to handle player buttons.

5. Web Security

This is one of the most interesting projects a novice programmer should work upon if he/ she is looking to build a career in Node development.

You can create a spoof login page like Facebook's to know the passwords of your family and friends( can be executed if you are able to host it on your LAN).

Things are more interesting when you can host it on the web, there you can peak into almost anyone's password.

6. Email Sender

The next idea for nodejs projects for beginners is an email sender app. While building this project, the beginners can learn how to send and schedule emails in NodeJS. Additionally, you can add a front-end and easily create emails with HTML.

For ease of sending emails, you could use the Nodemailer plugin, which is easy and very well documented.

7. Gaming

For all the gaming lover programmers, this seems to be a perfect way to have fun with work. Build a gaming app of your choice, learn basic programming skills and be a entrepreneur as well by selling your app on google play store!

To start with, start coding on NodeJS by using web sockets to provide a real time conversation between the clients and the server. Also, start with making an applet which collects statistics from multiple clients and put it on a single platform.

For larger applications, you can put more effort into CSS stylesheet and have more interface elements. Try to keep all the logic to the server side so the client only has to give input to render the information from the server's end.

8. To-Do list

Creating a to-do list is a much easier way to understand the basic concepts of programming. Create an empty page where the user can record all the task they have to complete during the day.

And, Store the new and completed tasks in a different array. For this application put in very minimal CSS styles with a neat appearance.

Best Text Editor For Node Js Plugin

To get your application running use express framework. Express is one of the minimalist frameworks which will be very easy to work with a server like node.js.

9. Basic Users System

Another application for nodejs projects for beginners is a 'Basic User System'. It's a very basic project, but it will help you to practice useful skills because the user is a part of almost every application.

Major learning of this application: – how to set up the database and do migrations, how to create a new user by the registration, how to build login endpoint, how to authenticate user, how to get the user's data.

In the case of registration and login, you should generate a JWT token for the user that will be returned from the API. Besides that, remember to hash the password before you save it in the database.

In Conclusion

Vitamin r 2 54 – personal productivity tool. In this article, we have gathered few basic nodeJS projects for beginners, which the learners can practice to enhance their Node JS skills and build a coding portfolio.

I hope you'll find these ideas useful to place yourself at a better position in coding with nodejs. If you have more suggestions/ ideas about nodejs projects for beginners, please share in the comment section below!

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How do I Upgrade NodeJS?

To upgrade Node on Windows and Mac, simply visit the Node.js homepage and choose your operating system. From there, a wizard will magically update your Node, and replace the older version with the new one.

Can we Use NodeJS in a Big Project?

Yes, we can, there are several big players like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Mozilla and Github who have embraced Node.js as a part of their operations. More and more companies are using Node.js as it brings innumerable advantages.

What is NodeJS Module?

NodeJS Module- is a simple or complex functionality organized in single or multiple JavaScript files which can be reused throughout the NodeJS application.

How do I get Started with NodeJS?

The best way to get started with NodeJS is to simply decide on a project you want to build, and start working on it. Start with the simplest possible implementation of it, and over time add bits and pieces to it, learning about those bits and pieces as you go.

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